Rosy Finch Bouquet

Lavender, hydrangea, Gum, bunny tails and meadow daisy flowers in this bouquet, evoking the radiant beauty and joyful spirit of the Rosy Finch bird.

Please Note: Sand colour vase is out of stock and will be substituted with the same design but in white. See Pink Robin for reference.

Delivery unavailable to TAS & WA due to flower restrictions.


  • Add a message

    Your message will be written onto a card and placed with the bouquet.

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H 40cm x W 35cm x D 15cm

With the correct care and maintenance, you can enjoy your dried bouquet for 1-3 years, and occasionally up to 5 years!

View our full care instructions on our ‘Bouquet Care’ page:

Bouquet Care

We offer $10 shipping to most metro areas.

Exact shipping can be found in the cart.

Further delivery information can be found on our delivery page here:
