Bouquet Care

With the correct care and maintenance, you can enjoy your dried bouquet for 1-3 years, and occasionally up to 5 years!

For maximum longevity of your bouquet, please follow these care instructions:

Choose the perfect spot

Display your bouquet in a cool, shaded area. While it can handle some direct sunlight, extended exposure may lead to slight color fading over time.

Avoid Humidity and Moisture

Keep the bouquet away from humid or wet conditions, as moisture can shorten its lifespan.

Handle with Care

Dried flowers are delicate, so handle the bouquet gently to prevent any damage.

Embrace Natural Shedding

Over time, some shedding may occur. Don’t worry, it’s normal and part of the bouquet’s natural charm!

No Water Needed

Unlike fresh flowers, dried bouquets don’t require water. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy their beauty without the hassle of watering.

Dust Off Occasionally

Give your bouquet a little TLC by gently dusting it off now and then to keep it looking fresh.

Remember, each dried bouquet is unique, and as time goes by, it will develop its own character and rustic appeal. We hope you enjoy your bouquet for years!

Be good to your flowers and they’ll be good to you! To keep your flowers fresh and beautiful for longer, follow these helpful tips:

Remove Wrapping

Before placing in a vase, remove all of the wrapping. Depending on your vase, you can keep or cut the tie around the flowers.

Clean Vase & Clean Water

Ensure your vase is clean, and fill to 3/4 full with fresh, clean water.

Trim the Flower Stems

Trim the bottom of the flowers stems. Cut off 2cm at a 45 degree angle with clean sharp scissors and place into the vase.

Refresh & Retrim

To keep the flowers beautiful, replace the water and retrim the bottom of the stems every 2 days (yes we know it’s a lot, but it helps!).


Fresh flowers prefer a nice cold environment, out of direct sunlight & extreme heat.

Follow these tips and enjoy your flowers for longer!